A Care Bears-themed Game Jam is upcoming on The SandBox. The bear production company has been remarkably influential in the lives of millions of children since it was created in 1982. The quest of the Game Jam is to create a game experience inspired by the Care Bears Universe.
30,000 SAND will be shared among the top 10 winners; first place will get 12,000 SAND, second place will get 7,000 SAND, third place will get 4,000 SAND, and the rest will earn 1000 SAND each. The event will begin on September 5th, 2022. The deadline for all entries is September 25th 2022 (3 PM UTC). The collation of all entries and voting process will be from September 26th until October 17th. The result will be announced on October 22th, 2022.
All entries must be self-designed and uniquely created in the Game Maker software. The entry must have some playability. All spammed entries with low-quality experiences will be disqualified. All submission steps should be strictly followed as the submissions will be keenly examined by The SandBox’s and Care Bears’ teams.
A valid submission must meet the following criteria: the game length should be at least 5 minutes (excluding timed, collection quests), it must have at least 25 different assets, it must follow a storyline/theme, and all experiences must be exclusively created for the contest after the start date. The SandBox staff members have the right to remove any entry according to their discretion. All entries should be submitted to the “Gallery” feature available in the Game Maker and also on this Google form.