The virtual gaming platform, TOPIA, has announced its Worlds Staking feature relaunch. The announcement succeeds the airdropping activities of TOPIA Worlds to previous NFT Worlds holders. Notably, the project rebranded its name from “NFT Worlds” to TOPIA. The relaunch will take place on June 14. This new system will reward landowners with TOPIA tokens for holding and staking their land NFTs.
Daily rewards would be proportionally distributed to holders and stakers. Users who stake a World NFT within the first 72 hours will share from the 30,000,000 $TOPIA bonus pool. There are only 10,000 Worlds available, which implies a minimum of 3,000 tokens per land NFT. Players could possibly get more than 3,000 tokens. TOPIA has reassured that players who were unable to claim their balance before the initial staking was closed will get their balance in claimable TOPIA tokens. In addition to this, they would receive backpay of staking rewards for the month of the site’s inactivity.
Players can convert their depreciated WRLD tokens through the website. However, these tokens must be on the Ethereum mainnet for swapping to occur. The team plans to launch its liquidity pools and staking system soon. TOPIA also introduced the maiden version of its governance proposal system where token holders can create and vote on proposals via the governance page.
TOPIA is inspired by Minecraft, an adventurous video game. It features a free-to-play mechanism that requires no account or in-game purchase to play these games. Players can access the friendly game environment on a PC or via a web browser. They can also share their favorite TOPIA games with their friend on social media. TOPIA houses tools needed for content creators and developers to build seamlessly.