Star Atlas recently launched their first playable demo version on the Epic Games Store. The Showroom is powered by Unreal Engine 5 and allows players to walk around a virtual shipyard. The features are rather limited and the reactions from the community were a bit mixed. Let's have a look at what the demo has to offer.
The Showroom is the first playable demo version of Star Atlas that can only be accessed by people who own NFTs. Players can own a ship by buying NFTs and joining one of Star Atlas' in-game factions. The demo version also contains a single non-NFT ship for which access codes will be given out to limited players.
The Showroom demo will be updated in the future to accommodate more features such as chat integration, multiplayer capabilities, and the ability to take out spacecraft as flights outside of the atmosphere during the demo. The downloadable pre-alpha contains blockchain integration with cinematic quality visuals and graphics. In addition, the developers have fully utilized the Unreal Engine's advanced technologies, such as Nanite and Lumine.
"We're really excited to finally be able to give users a taste of the Star Atlas metaverse and start to bring this immersive world to life. We're also extremely honored to be the first AAA quality blockchain game available on the Epic Games Store, and we can't wait to see web3 gaming become mainstream."
- Michael Wagner, the cofounder of Star Atlas and CEO of ATMTA
ATMTA, the developer of the game, has planned to release two different versions for the game: the Unreal Engine 5 version on Epic Games Store and a simpler web-based WebGL version.
The Epic Games Store version requires a gaming PC to run the game. The developers are currently working on increasing the quality of the demo version and expect to release a more polished version by the end of 2023. The demo version with expanded features will be launched in Q4 2022. Players can start playing the demo by joining a faction and choosing a ship.
Star Atlas is a space-themed blockchain game built on the Solana blockchain. The multiplayer game is set in the year 2620, consisting of challenging journeys where players gather resources and compete with other players in the metaverse. Players can trade, buy and create NFTs within the game's universe and own in-game assets.
Players can explore the world by flying a spaceship with a crew in the game and uncover hidden resources and virtual activities. They can also collaborate to form DAOs to govern specific regions.
The official token of Star Atlas is $ATLAS. Players can use the ATLAS token to acquire in-game NFT items such as spaceships, lands, and crew. ATLAS is also the dominant currency of the game's marketplace.
The governance token of the Star Atlas metaverse is POLIS which allows holders to participate in governance decisions. 20% of the POLIS token will be sold during the first phase of Galactic Asset Offering, and the rest will be distributed as rewards to players who stake their tokens.
Star Atlas is a very ambitious project and it will take years for players to experience a full space metaverse experience.
Check out our video guide below to understand the current features and gameplay of Star Atlas.