Splinterlands, a popular blockchain-based game, plans to revolutionize its reward system by removing the barrier that required players to own a certain value of cards to advance into higher leagues. Now, the game will be structured towards adding a new formula that encourages players to hold staked SPS tokens to improve match rewards.
The Splinterlands team have gradually been working on integrating the SPS Token into their game system since its introduction two years ago. This is to make the Token system the backbone of the entire Splinterlands ecosystem. Furthermore, players’ collection scores have been determined by the number of cards in their accounts. However, this change may disrupt the established status quo.
The New System, after being launched on the 6th of July, will utilize staked SPS tokens as part of the reward points calculations. These reward points determine the amount of SPS won from a match and the number of daily and seasonal chests players earn. Additionally, the staked SPS offers a reward point multiplying system, which has been factored in after evaluating the current modifiers.
Splinterlands has a step further in offering a delegation system for staked SPS tokens and introducing an SPS rental market to help their players. Potential renters can bid with the amount of SPS tokens they wish to rent and the price in DEC tokens they are willing to pay. These orders must be filled in full, and all rentals would expire automatically after seven days.
This newly introduced official rental system is fairly basic and lacks many features. However, the Splinterlands community, with its number of sites developing useful tools and utilities for the game, may look to receive enhanced rental and delegation functionality from third-party sites in the future.