PlanetQuest, a universe-based blockchain game of exploration, discovery, and survival, has partnered with Immutable X to organize a community-friendly NFT planet sale. This event will see a new approach to NFT sales as PlanetQuest focuses on eliminating gas wars and running bots so that the NFTs reach deserving buyers or players.
PlanetQuest and Immutable are organizing a planet sale in which interested participants can submit their applications on the PlanetQuest website. After the applications close, all the entries will be ranked, and planet NFTs will be sold to the most deserving participants. All applicants have to successfully pass the review process to get a rank and get the opportunity to acquire NFTs in the PlanetQuest universe.
The ways to boost your rank are as follows:
The above options are open until May 31, 2022. Till then you can complete these processes to increase your chance of getting a planet NFT.
PlanetQuest has decided to distribute only three galaxies of planets till the early access in 2023. In each galaxy, there are planets of various levels:
The regular price of the planets in USD are:
The reduced price of planets for this sale in USD are:
There will be six planet classes in PlanetQuest, namely Desert, Forest, Tropical, Ice, Volcanic and Strange. Each class of planets will have a unique set of ecosystems, vegetations, artifacts, and creatures. The planets will come in four-tier of rarities – Common, Rare, Epic and Legendary.
The Genesis Engine is a technology developed by PlanetQuest that renders unique planets in real-time in the browser. Planets are key to the gameplay of PlanetQuest. Planet owners receive a Quantum bonus for the planet they own and can invite friends to join the game. Players who join the game as friends can access the planets tier, traits, and potential upgrades, providing its players with in-game bonuses.
Planet and guild owners and highly skilled gamers have the chance to earn $PQX tokens. Quantum or $PQX is an extremely rare token which is an ERC-20 token. This token drives the entire in-game economy and can be used for purchasing in-game items or artifacts.
PlanetQuest will start the internal review process after the application period ends. Each applicant will be ranked based on community activity, insignias, commendations, passport points, and other info. The results and updates will be provided via the official discord server. After completing the review process, you will be able to purchase a planet. For the claiming process, you will get a link through the mail. On successful completion of payment, your planet NFTs will be minted to your wallet.
PlanetQuest is a blockchain game that offers NFT ownership of planets inside the game. The game features multiplayer exploration and discovery experience apart from holding unique planet NFTs. Each planet inside the game has unique features, including terrain, vegetation, creatures, etc. Players have to fight for survival on these foreign planets and search for valuable artifacts.