Nestlé has unveiled an exciting NFT collection called "Art of Preservation," paying homage to Chocolate Surpresa, a beloved Brazilian chocolate brand that captured the hearts of many during the 1980s and early 1990s. This collaborative project between Nestlé and SOS Mata Atlantica, an environmental organization dedicated to preserving Brazil's most endangered biome, combines nostalgia, conservation, and digital art.
The "Art of Preservation" NFT collection consists of 50 distinct digital cards, each showcasing illustrations of critically endangered animals. Collaborating with five talented artists, the collection features designs of animals such as the collared sloth, tapir, and giant anteater, representing the region's rich biodiversity.
To support the cause of conservation, the Art of Preservation NFTs will be available for purchase on a dedicated website at an approximate price of $100 per NFT. What sets this initiative apart is that 100% of the proceeds from the NFT sales will be donated to SOS Mata Atlantica, demonstrating Nestlé's commitment to environmental preservation and their partnership with the organization.
While this venture marks Nestlé's latest foray into the world of NFTs, it is not their first involvement in digital collectibles. In April 2022, Nestlé successfully launched its inaugural NFT collection, commemorating the introduction of the TRIX Breakfast Cereal brand in the Middle East and North Africa.
By leveraging the power of NFTs, Nestlé is utilizing digital art to raise awareness and funds for critical conservation efforts in Brazil. The Art of Preservation collection bridges nostalgia, contemporary digital trends, and the preservation of endangered species, exemplifying Nestlé's dedication to environmental sustainability.