Mahjong Meta, a web3 project centered on the classic game of Mahjong, recently announced the official launch of its game on August 7th. Following a successful two-month Open Beta phase that garnered praise from mahjong enthusiasts, the platform aims to redefine on-chain mahjong gaming with its decentralized approach.
Mahjong Meta introduces a unique feature allowing players to participate in various game modes, including Rankings, Tournaments, and Playgrounds. Additionally, players can deploy virtual companions called "Tamas" to enhance their gameplay. These AI-powered Tamas are equipped with custom strategies, simplifying the game for newcomers and enhancing engagement for web3 enthusiasts.
During the Beta phase, Mahjong Meta witnessed participation from over 15,000 players in more than 490,000 matches, highlighting its growing popularity within the crypto gaming scene. The platform seamlessly integrates web3 ownership economics with advanced gameplay and design aesthetics, attracting both traditional and modern gamers.
Notably, the Beta phase introduced 0xMahjong and 0xTama NFTs, with trading volumes on Opensea reaching nearly 500ETH.
The driving force behind Mahjong Meta's success is its skilled core team, which includes industry experts from Tencent, NetEase, and Lilith. Brice, the visionary behind the project, drew inspiration from Mahjong's timeless appeal. With a global player base exceeding 600 million, Mahjong's strategic depth and cultural significance are undeniable. Mahjong Meta embraces the "Play to Own & Skill to Earn" ethos, aspiring to create a blockchain-supported Riichi Mahjong esports realm.
The project's unique proposition attracted substantial investments, with notable venture capital firms Dragonfly and Folius leading the funding efforts. Other investors include Meteorite Labs, Find Satoshi Lab, Parallel Ventures, and Emoote, contributing to a total investment surpassing $12 million. Mahjong enthusiasts and newcomers alike are drawn to Mahjong Meta's promise of reshaping the mahjong landscape through the Web3 ownership economy. As the platform sets new standards for decentralized gaming, it opens exciting possibilities for the future of on-chain gaming experiences.