Matthieu Brossard, a former Director at Gameloft with over a decade of gaming expertise, proudly presents Last Resort, a web3 survival MMO game. After emerging from stealth on July 1st, 2023, the game is now unveiling its first public alpha. This event brings forth an immersive gaming experience, exclusive NFT opportunities, and the chance to compete in a lucrative tournament.
From September 26th at 1:00 am UTC to September 29th at 1:00 am UTC, the Earn Alliance members gain early access to the Last Resort alpha. This collaboration extends beyond gameplay; it offers unique missions where participants can earn "Founder Last Resort NFTs." These NFTs are not mere digital assets; they represent Founder characters, complete with distinct outfits and weaponry. Additionally, select rare NFTs will be given away during the event. Depending on the NFT minting milestones reached during the alpha, players can upgrade their NFTs with superior gear.
Starting from September 30th at 12:00 noon UTC until October 9th at noon UTC, the general public can access Last Resort through the Elixir launcher. Players can immerse themselves in the game, take on exciting quests, earn XP, and secure a unique redemption code. This code unlocks their "Founder Last Resort NFT" on a dedicated minting page.
In Last Resort, dedication pays off. After accomplishing specific in-game quest lines, players receive a one-time Founder NFT mint. This NFT introduces a character equipped with gear and a weapon. Furthermore, as the community progresses within the game, their collective achievements can lead to the enhancement of these NFTs, increasing their value. It's essential to note that these NFTs will reside on the Polygon blockchain.
The heart of Last Resort's public alpha lies in collaboration. As players navigate the game, they will collaboratively complete quests and mint NFTs. Hitting significant NFT minting milestones will level up these NFTs, transforming them into rarer versions. Periodic updates will allow the community to track their progress and monitor their achievements on Opensea.
In an exciting partnership with Elixir, Last Resort has unveiled a grand $1,000 Cash Tournament. Players can accumulate XP through various in-game activities. The prize pool will be thoughtfully distributed among top performers, with twenty-five random participants standing a chance to win in a lucky draw. With an abundance of content and competitions, the Last Resort Public Alpha is poised for success, offering players a chance to create and share their memorable moments on social media platforms.