Open world auto battler RPG Illuvium has received a new patch near the end of last month for Overworld and Arena, bringing in a host of improvements and bug fixes while launching the Gauntlet Leviathan Mode.
The newly-added Leviathan Mode addition to Gauntlet lets you make use of your NFT collection of Illuvials, Suits, and Weapons and even lets you level them up for a strategic advantage. In the shop players will find assets that they own, with their real power levels affecting stats, while stats for Illuvials you don’t own are said to be standardized.
The same owned Illuvial, Suit, or Weapon will not appear multiple times in the shop, but can only be there one at a time, and the same applies for the bench and board as well, with units on your board, bench, and armoury getting excluded from the shop until you fuse or sell them. By selling or fusing an owned unit into the next stage, it is able to appear in the shop again. As for how owned units are displayed when you own multiple of the same units but at different levels, the announcement states that the shop is designed to give priority display to the highest-level one, so players who have a couple of Atlases at varying levels will have the one with the highest level first appear in the shop.
Units that you don’t own will always be at level 1 in the shop, but units that you own actually get to keep their levels when they become present in the shop, which can be quite useful depending on the NFTs that you own. Refreshing the shop activates a dynamic recalculation system where units are displayed depending on owned units you currently have but also on units present on the board or bench.
Stage 2 and Stage 3 Illuvials aren’t available directly from the shop, only Stage 1 units. As for Weapons and Suits, they work in this mode in a similar way that Illuvials do. This means that you’ll see the highest-level versions show up first while the ones on the bench or the ones already equipped will not be possible to get from the shop.
Overall, the new Leviathan Mode is designed to “reward players who invest in their collections,” so if you've been building up a collection of Illuvials, Weapons, and Suits, then now is the time to put it to this tactical test to see how well your roster can do in this new game mode while figuring out ways to tactically improve it if needed.
Patch 1.1.0 brings in a variety of updates to Overworld and Arena, alongside some general updates such as bug fixes, Forge improvements, and an update to the IMX plugin for better performance, providing players with an overall improved blockchain gaming experience.
When it comes to Overworld updates, the patch notes state that there has been a “significant overhaul” to the spawn weights for Illuvials and that some adjustments have been made to make sure the full Set1 Illuvial collection costs about the same as it used to. Players will find that higher-stage Illuvials are now more common than before, and that the net expected value per cost for Region Stage 1 and Stage 2 is now significantly closer to Region Stage 3. A 50% increase in fusion costs for Tier 5 Illuvials has been made, while the curing cost for Resplendent Shards is now 1000 instead of 1200.
As for Arena updates, some changes include the addition of randomized runs to Survival and the increase of waves you can play also in Survival. So from now on, each run in Arena Survival is completely randomized, and beating Wave 40 won’t be the end of your run. The official post doesn’t mention what the new max limit now is, leaving it to the community to find out for themselves instead.
For more details on everything included in Patch 1.1.0 for web3 game Illuvium, you can check out the official path notes here to learn more.