Illuvium Arena, a Web3 auto-battler in the Illuvium franchise, just released its 0.4.0 update. This patch introduces a host of gameplay changes to improve the player experience.
A key update in this version is the overhaul of the team-building process. Players now need to obtain Illuvials, gear, and weapons through the Overworld game. This integration between games, as emphasized in Private Beta 4, aims to provide an interconnected experience. Even so, Arena will still maintain a rotation of free Illuvials, gear, and weapons, along with starter decks, for all players.
This patch also modifies the Mastery Points and Ascension Tokens systems. Mastery Points per round have been reduced to limit early-game advantages. The restructuring of Ascension Tokens will affect the pacing of the game, with the system now designed to prevent the early game from ramping too fast.
Illuvials can be ascended by simply pressing the blue button on their Icons. This update removes the right-click option for ascension.
What's more, new Illuvials are joining the fray. These include the Drop Bear, Fennec Fox, and Mammoth lines, which promise to refresh the game's strategic aspects.
Some balance adjustments have been made across existing Illuvials, synergies, and augments. These changes are set to improve gameplay balance, with special tweaks made to the Pterodactyl and Sea Scorpion lines, among others. New synergies and augments have been added to offer a wider range of team compositions.
The addition of 10 new augments, along with a host of bug fixes, indicates the team's commitment to maintaining a fair and enjoyable player experience. Adjustments to basic and composite synergies reflect ongoing efforts to balance the game.
As Illuvium continues to grow, these updates mark a significant effort to keep the gameplay engaging. These changes are sure to be a hit with both new and seasoned players in Arena.