MetalCore is planning an upcoming release of Chibi SFTs - soulbound tokens that maintain an ongoing record of your accomplishments, event attendance, and more! But to qualify, you need to hold at least two MetalCore Infantry NFTs.
MetalCore announced an upcoming release of Chibi SBTs, or Soulbound Tokens. Once created Chibis cannot be transferred. They will function as a permanent proof of participation for the holding wallet. This could include event attendance, tournament placement, social accomplishments, and more. They will likely also be used in the future to provide other perks and benefits.
To qualify for a Chibi, you must hold two or more MetalCore Infantry NFTs. There will be two snapshots taken. One for past holdings, with a snapshot based on wallet contents on September 30th, 2022 (11:59 pm EST). The second snapshot is coming up on August 15th, 2023 (also 11:59 pm EST).
Prices for the Infantry NFTs have already gone up. A couple of days ago you could have picked one up for as cheap as 0.015 ETH. Now they cost about double that, though interestingly, rares aren't much more than uncommons, at least for the moment! You can buy MetalCore Infantry NFTs on Open Sea.
There are three categories of Chibi -- Obsidian, Gold, and Silver. Anyone with two or more MetalCore Infantry NFTs in their wallet on either of the snapshot dates earns a Silver Chibi. Those with ten (10) or more will receive a Gold Chibi. They will also award Golds to those who participated in the initial mint and still hold at least four Infantry NFTs. And finally, Obsidian Chibis are for those avid collectors who hold fifty (50) or more MetalCore Infantry NFTs of the same class. In addition, anyone who was an early supporter and received the Mech Hunter or First Contact Discord roles will also be eligible to claim an Obsidian Chibi.
The MetalCore team plans to hold a special holder-only Discord event on August 11th to discuss their developing partnership with Immutable, benefits of holding a Chibi, and upcoming roadmap items. Join the MetalCore Discord on August 11th at 9pm EST to listen in.
MetalCore is a web3-enabled game that is a cross between Planetside and Battlefield. It’s a first-person/third-person, sci-fi-themed FPS with numerous vehicles, infantry types, and loadouts. The game features instanced, faction combat, with some battles supporting up to 100 players per side! MetalCore includes vehicle and infantry combat, with a wide variety of combat styles and support options to choose from. Coordination with your teammates and faction members will be important.
During the Faction battles, each side tries to take and control various tactical points around the map while attempting to destroy the enemy base. Tactical points provide in-game advantages for the controlling faction. Each player has a limited number of respawns per battle. Once those respawns run out, that player may no longer play in that battle, but other players can take their place.
MetalCore includes both PvE and PvP zones. Players earn FAB tokens while playing the game. This token will be used for crafting and upgrades. Players craft Vehicles in Garages, and can upgrade and customize them with special skins and decals. MetalCore will also support Baronies, or guilds.
MetalCore will include free-to-play options. They are also implementing a Content Creator’s program with rewards for streamers and video creators. The game is currently in alpha testing.
MetalCore partnered with Immutable X earlier this year, so expect to see future integrations with the Immutable Passport and marketplace.
To learn more about MetalCore, visit their website, follow them on Twitter, and join their Discord.