Haunted Space, amid market challenges, is doubling down on its commitment to the community. As they develop their single-player game, they're bolstering the rewards system for loyal Genesis Pass NFT holders. Here's what's happening:
Staking V1 Extended: If you've staked your Genesis Pass NFTs, prepare for rewards. You'll receive a portion of HS tokens over months after the Token Generation Event (TGE), ensuring project sustainability. Good news: the rewards extension requires no unstaking or restaking.
Staking V2 Incoming: Haunted Space is expanding the staking horizon by opening 1500 additional NFT slots for 12-month staking. This means even more rewards compared to shorter staking periods. Access these rewards after the first year of V1 rewards distribution.
Haunted Space consolidates its tokens and continues to unlock new opportunities. As they enhance their project, remember: MORE NFTs LOCKED = MORE ADVANTAGES.
Haunted Space acknowledges the tough times in gaming and crypto but sees potential. Both industries are undervalued but poised for resurgence with advanced tech and increased user engagement. They're determined to thrive in the gaming revolution.