Fortnite's upcoming game map, known as "Wagbo Island " will bring together the world of gaming and web3 culture by featuring characters, from the Okay Bears NFT collection.
Okay Bears, a player in the web3 space has announced a partnership with Fortnite. The community is currently engaged in a voting process to determine which Okay Bears NFTs will be showcased on Fortnite's island map called "Wagbo Island." This collaboration goes beyond aesthetics; it presents an opportunity for enthusiasts. Players will now be able to encounter their bear characters from the Okay Bears NFT series, transformed into playable characters (NPCs).
To bring this captivating map to life a contest was conducted on media where participants proudly displayed their @Okaybears and shared what makes their bears special. From these entries 15 bears will be selected, transformed into 3D models and seamlessly integrated into the world of Fortnite.
Hailing from the Solana blockchain, Okay Bears serves as a pillar, within its community. Comprising 10,000 generated bears each bear boasts a color scheme, attire style and facial expression. The limited availability of features adds to the charm and uniqueness of each bear. When the collection was launched it generated $18 million, in sales making these bears sought-after digital gems.
The masterminds behind Okay Bears consist of KAIS, a designer and SUBY, an engineer along with a team of professionals that includes known individuals. This team includes illustrators who have made contributions to children's books skilled full-stack developers, digital artists renowned for their work in games like Clash Royale and designers who have collaborated with organizations such as Unicef and Ford.
This partnership represents the merging of art and gaming. It signifies how NFTs can be utilized not as tokens for ownership but as tools for shaping gaming experiences. For collectors of Okay Bears it presents an opportunity to see their digital treasures come to life within a vibrant and widely recognized gaming environment.
Given Fortnite player base of over 450 million users, all eyes are, on the bears as we eagerly anticipate which non-playable characters (NPCs) will be chosen for the map expansion.