Ev.io kicks off the first of their new format tournaments this month in partnership with Fractal, giving players a chance to earn Proof of Play collectibles. The Platinum version of these collectibles, given out to the top 10% of the players on the leaderboard from that month / season, allow the owners to earn 20x the normal match payouts during the next monthly, Deathmatch Earn event!
To be ranked on the leaderboards, players need to connect to the game with their Fractal Wallet and play ev.io in any game mode at any time within the month. The game is free to play and the leaderboards are open to everyone. Though those with Ev NFTs can earn significantly more e, a cumulative point system that will be used for rankings.
At the end of the season, participants will receive Proof of Play collectibles based on their final standing. Platinum for the top 10%, Gold to the to 40%, Silver to the top 70%, and Bronze to everyone else. Only holders of Platinum PoPs from the latest season will receive the bonus earnings in the Deathmatch Earn event.
Ev.io is a browser based FPS with NFTs on the Solana blockchain. Players earn game coins known as e, simply by playing, with bonuses for being a registered user (rather than guest12345) and for equipping game NFTs. Players can accumulate 10,000 of these tokens, and cash them out for $5 worth of SOL cryptocurrency. The in-game tokens have no other use at the moment, but that may change in a future update.
The game runs very smoothly, and has an Unreal Tournament feel to it. Arenas are pretty bare bones, with lots of corridors and high ceilings for jumping.