Coda Labs published their first "Web3 gamer study" report, a research study aimed at gamers. The study, which was conducted in collaboration with DappRadar, Laguna Games, and the Blockchain Game Alliance, garnered nearly 7,000 responses.
Admittedly, the crypto gaming market is very bearish right now. However, investment in web3 gaming is expected to reach around $10 billion by the end of 2022, and many new projects are finding it easier to get funding from colossuses like Animoca Brand or Immutable.
The report classifies the respondents into three groups: gamers, crypto gamers, and crypto non-gamers. All respondents, regardless of their group, have been selected from the US, UK, Japan, Brasil, and South Africa.
“When regular gamers do give web3 games a go, they tend to feel more positively, and this survey reveals that those regular gamers and heavy crypto users aren’t as far apart as we might have thought. They often overlap in their behaviors, motivations, and concerns; and ‘Crypto Gamers’ as we have called them are effectively hardcore gamers who are also early tech adopters. We hope the collective games industry can use these crucial insights to experiment with ways of making gaming more fun and accessible for all types of gamers.”
?ekip Can Gökalp, CEO of Coda Labs
The report sheds light on many unanswered questions regarding the perspective of typical gamers toward web3 terminology and ideas such as cryptocurrencies, exchanges, and NFTs.
A few golden nuggets:
The report is full of interesting nuggets like this and shares some great insights into how new projects and companies can work to revolutionize the industry and conquer a piece of the future market.
More than half of the respondents have little to no idea about web3, and up to 60% admit to engaging in play and earn titles for the crypto earnings component alone.
Together, we can do better to attract traditional gamers to the decentralized gaming space, by providing them great alternatives to games they already like from web2 companies.