Strategy simulation anime game, Clash Row has launched an open beta product with an avenue for players to earn. The anime game has presented transformative season-based content for PvP. mode. Clash Row has enabled a live mobile game version of attacks and defenses with a stunning record of over 10k downloads on Google Play.
Clash Row has added an interactive phase where players can earn special rewards during the season. To gain these rewards, players must have a top spot on the leaderboard. It is pertinent to note that these rewards cannot be obtained through regular gameplay. The recently launched game has become one of the most sought-after P2E games after its public beta launch on May 18.
The gameplay offered by Clash Row accommodates Different blends of battle games with tower defense. Players are tasked to build encampments and choose creatures that would hold attack waves. The main goal of the task is either to survive the attack and repel the enemies, or overpower the opponent’s camp. A player must have a Hero NFT in order to produce buildings and camps. These buildings owned by Heroes can be owned as an NFT.
Following the successful update, Clash Row presents a more strategic gameplay where players can own and train both Units or Heroes and engage in dynamic battles. Notably, the previous game version was filled with semi-idle looting.
Clash Row is fully functional on the NEAR blockchain, a network that offers fast low-fee solutions. Every participating player must have a NEAR wallet. The game can be easily accessed via the Sender Wallet which is available as a browser extension. Clash Row is tokenized as CTRL assets. At the time of writing, it costs about $0.50. Players can swap earned tokens for fiat currency. However, Clash Row regulates the swapping of these tokens.