Joining the long list of Pokemon-inspired games, Chumbi Valley revealed plans for their Seed Chumbi NFT sale. Planned for mid-December, this sale will limited to whitelisted users only. Those with the 'Chumbi Fam' role receive a guaranteed whitelist spot, while everyone else must enter a raffle.
Whitelist details should hit us in November, but the sale FAQ already reveals a few details. Chumbi Fam users will receive a guaranteed spot. However, the rest of us need to battle in a Gleam competition (not yet opened) for a chance to join in on the Seed Chumbi sale.
What's so special about Seed Chumbi? These are the first generation of Chumbi, the rarest of their kind. Some of those cute characters come with exclusive tags and body parts. Seed Chumbi have a high chance of owning a rare shiny coat or generating as an ultra-rare mini-Chumbi. In any of these games with a creature breeding feature, getting in on Generation 0 seems to always be a winning strategy!
All fifteen (15) Chumbi types may be found in the Seed Chumbi sale. Obtaining the rarer types, such as Void, becomes more likely with the higher tier purchases. Four different pods will be available at four price points. Details on the price points and rewards for each tier are still unrevealed. It's expected that each wallet on the whitelist will be limited to purchasing 2 or 3 Chumbi. However, the total amount of available Chumbi will be 4096!
Join the official Chumbi Vally Discord and follow their Twitter to stay updated.
Note: Chumbi is both the singular and the plural noun, just like Pokemon.
Chumbi Valley is a tamer, battler game, much like Pokemon, built on the Polygon blockchain. Players breed and raise creatures called Chumbi. Players and their Chumbi explore, farm, breed, craft, and battle.
The game is free to start. Each new player will be paired with an Ancestor Chumbi that can help you get started but which cannot be sold or traded. Pretty much everything else will be an NFT, allowing players to buy, sell, trade, and play to earn!
Much like Axie, Chumbi have various body parts, six in total -- coat, ears, horns, eyes, mouth, and pattern.When born, each Chumbi has two attacks, 2 effects, and an ability. The attacks are determined by its main type and its coat type, effects by ear and mouth, and ability by pattern.
And where would we be without breeding?! Of course players can pay some fees to create new Chumbi from two parents. Nearly everyone will be unique and some breeding attempts may create a very rare mini-Chumbi!
Chumbi level up as you use them. They learn spells, explore, find items and fight wild Chumbi. Feeding them makes them happier, and they must eat a special candied apple every five levels to continue progressing.
Each player has a Forest Home area which they can decorate. This is also where you can grow crops and manage your Chumbi. Growing crops requires seeds and regular watering. Feeding your Chumbi makes them happier.
In addition, Chumbi Valley gameplay includes offline gathering, a built-in delegation system, and of course land ownership. Also, along with the gameplay comes a DeFi feature called the Shrine of Giving. Stake CHMB token to earn more CHMB tokens and NFTs as rewards. Assign a Chumbi at maximum happiness to increase your returns!
Chumbi Valley features two tokens, Chumbi Token (CHMB) and Lucky Stars (LSTS). CHMB is the main in-game currency that also exists as a token on the blockchain. Players use CHMB for breeding fees, marketplace purchases, land purchases, and more. Future plans for CHMB include game governance and staking rewards for locking up tokens. The eventual plan is for CHMB to be deflationary through a buy and burn mechanism from the Chumbi Treasury
Functioning as a secondary, but important token, Lucky Stars will also be on blockchain. Players gain LSTS by completing game quests. Also battling cursed Chumbi, battling other players, farming crops, pretty much any in-game activity it seems! Used for all things Chumbi-related -- breeding, learning spells, leveling, and happiness - Lucky Stars will be needed by those playing the game.
Going in a different direction from most blockchain games, Chumbi Valley announce that no token sale will be held. Instead, expect CHMB airdrops beginning in Q1 2022. Lucky Star distribution all happens in-game.