Axie Infinity, a renowned OG blockchain game, has launched its much-awaited Game Jam 2023. With demo entries now pouring in, this year's event, themed "Stronger, Faster, Better," is poised to witness some of the most innovative and groundbreaking game concepts.
True to its inclusive spirit, Axie continues to throw the event's doors wide open, welcoming developers all over the world. This unrestricted participation ensures a diverse blend of creativity, promising an array of fun and unique gameplay experiences built in the Axie universe.
Central to this year's event is the ambitious theme, "Stronger, Faster, Better," underscoring Axie's aspirations for Web3 gaming. Developers are encouraged to harness the blockchain's potential and to innovate using the Axie Generator Tool Kit in brand-new ways.
All submissions will be judged through a rigorous process. While using the Axie Generator Tool Kit as the primary source of game assets is compulsory, other judging criteria include game design, uniqueness, visual appeal, and fun factor.
Top scorers will receive prizes and rewards in different tiers. According to Axie, the champion will receive $8,000 in prizes, followed by $5,000, $3,000, $2,000, and $1,000 for the next four ranks. Sky Mavis also plans to highlight three editor's picks – games that brilliantly meld innovation with great use of the toolkit – each fetching a $500 prize.
No doubt, it's an exciting month ahead for Axie fans. Demo submissions are already underway on the Mavis Hub and will continue until the end of the month. The voting process will begin on October 29th, with winners to be announced during the closing event on November 12th.
As developers around the world gear up for this challenge, Axie Game Jam 2023 is set to reshape the boundaries of blockchain gaming.