Sky Mavis, the mastermind behind the renowned blockchain game Axie Infinity, partners with CyberKongz to introduce the Genkai NFT collection. This anime-inspired art mint will occur on July 27, 2023, with 4,000 Genkais available on the Ronin platform via Mavis Market and an additional 16,000 NFTs on Ethereum Mainnet.
As part of the collaboration, Sky Mavis will reward Mystic Axie holders with a Genkai NFT for each Mystic Axie owned. Furthermore, Ethereum Genkai holders can migrate to Ronin in the future, adding value and utility to NFTs. This strategic move aligns with Sky Mavis' ambition to establish Ronin as the industry standard for blockchain gaming.
By joining CyberKongz, a prominent NFT project in the Web3 space, Sky Mavis aims to foster a gaming ecosystem with a large user base, community-owned protocols, versatile applications, and deep asset liquidity. The collaboration bolsters the growth of both projects and allows them to explore new opportunities in the Southeast Asian and Japanese markets.
CyberKongz's Genkai mint will utilize the ERC-721x smart contract, enabling seamless transactions for blockchain gaming protocols while enhancing security. The token standard's lock registry feature ensures tighter asset protection, enabling "stakeless staking" for locked NFTs, accumulating rewards while held without unauthorized movement.
CyberKongz is migrating its innovative utility project, Play & Kollect, to Ronin from Polygon. This move provides access to a core gaming community. Ronin's focus on gaming and negligible fees allows millions of microtransactions without the burden of high gas fees on other blockchains. The Genkai NFT collection takes inspiration from manga and anime, drawing from Japanese folklore. This art style aligns with CyberKongz's strategic goal of expanding its IP into the Southeast Asian and Japanese markets, further enriching the gaming experience for enthusiasts in these regions.