The team behind Aurory, an entertainment franchise consisting of games, dapps, and community-made content, are back with a development update for October, showing all the latest progress made in Q4 so far for their upcoming blockchain RPG, Seekers of Tokane.
The developers describe last month as being “one of the most exciting months” of the year as they gear up for the release of Seekers of Tokane this November. They also mention that this is potentially their last development report, that is, “State of Aurory Address” as they’re looking other ways to share progress, such as by making short videos focused more on gameplay and sneak peeks.
The official post reveals that the first version of the game will feature 2 biomes to explore while providing us with sneak peeks of what the Plains biome looks like, including models of a gate and flowers. While there will be 2 biomes on release, the team has mentioned that more biomes are already in the works, and are set to include “vibrant flowers, mysterious mushrooms, magical gates, and various other elements” in order to provide an engaging journey.
When it comes to design, the team designated for this aspect has been working on improving the onboarding experience and the economy while making various tweaks and balance changes. In order to enable seamless onboarding, the team has worked on making sure dialogues and in-game screens help make your adventure feel “immersive and inviting.” Various parts of the economy have been looked at, with the developers making adjustments to the OKA/TOKE reward pools, though more details on this part of the game are set to be revealed during this month, according to the official post. Next to that, tweaks and balancing changes have been made to various gameplay parts such as Neftie stats, Blitz abilities, land spawning and more in order to try and provide a balanced PvP experience.