The Aradena: Battlegrounds team has officially published Patch v0.1 to their tactical hex-based 3D TCG, introducing more than 40 new cards alongside various other changes and bug fixes.
Next to introducing new cards to use, the developers have adjusted existing cards in an effort to provide a balanced gameplay experience, renaming them and Warriors in the process. Cards that used to be available earlier in the game but ended up getting removed have now actually been brought back in, in a reworked state. A new Warrior called Abe the Ambitious has been added. This is a 1 Mana ½ Warrior which deals a 1 attack in exchange for 1 health.
If you start off a match as Player 2, you now get two cards that cost 0 in the first turn. These cards are “Blink” and “Mana.” Blink is a mini teleport card, while Mana allows you to gain 1 Mana in that particular turn.
The art of cards has been updated, while spells, effects, and the board state VFX have undergone an overhaul. New projectile effects have been added for Arrows, Fireballs and Magic Missiles.
Players can now create their own decks thanks to the developers enabling deck builder functionality that allows players to create, save, delete, and edit decks.
For more details, be sure to check out the full patch notes linked in the tweet down below. The latest patch coincides with the start of Beta Showdown 3, a free tournament ending on August 28th at 12 PM UTC.