Alien Worlds players will need to lease spaceships to go on missions and earn rewards paid in TLM tokens and NFTs. The developers revealed these first details of Planet Binance and the Planet Binance Missions in a blog post.However, the launch date is still clouded in mystery.
When the Planet Binance Missions launch, players need to lease a spaceship by staking TLM tokens. Each mission will have a shared pool of TLM token rewards. Each month there will be eight different Planet Binance Missions NFT game cards on the Binance Smart Chain, related to the start of these eight missions. These NFTs can boost your performance.
For every missions there will be a mission control center. This is basically a dashboard with statistics. Here you will find your Spaceship Power and Crafting Power. These two NFT stats benefit two elements of the game: the performance of your spaceship, and you ability to combine NFTs to create better items.
As I said, there are eight different missions. Each of them can have a different length: one week, two weeks, four or thirteen weeks. At the end of each missions, each spaceship receives an exclusive NFT game card related to that particular mission. These cards are issued on the Binance Smart Chain. There's a maximum of five of each NFT game card per player. Collecting a full set of cards will create special advantages in the future of Alien Worlds.
What we've talked about above, is the first phase of the Planet Binance Missions. Later gamers will be able to stake BNB tokens and Planet Binance Missions NFT game cards alongside their Trilium tokens to boost their rewards. In a later future Planet Binance will become part of the daily TLM allocations, which means there will be more competition amongst planets.
At the same time Planet Binance Missions is just one of the updates on the horizon. Alien Worlds is also working on Thunderdome, a PVP battle royale mode we talked about before. The winner of the Alien Worlds Thunderdome will earn the largest rewards: a percentage of the TLM entrance fees and an NFT drop. Some minions eliminated in the final stages of the battle will also receive rewards along with their affiliated planets.
Gamers can use as many minions as they want, but each entry costs TLM. Each minion can carry one weapon. Even though these warriors battle for their own victory, there are some rules. First they will fight minions from other planets, before battling their own comrades. Each minion can bring an artifact into the battle, altering the rules of the contest. In addition each fighter has initial orders, like for example to attack the strongest minion, the weakest, or be more defensive.
Alien Worlds is an exploration and mining game in which players can own land, use tools and weapons, customize their avatars, own rare artifacts and have minions to use in battles. The game world offers a full economy where players battle for resources and value.
Players in this game world earn Trilium (TLM). This is a cryptocurrency token that bridges the Wax and Ethereum blockchain, allowing the economies of both chains to merge into one. Players earn TLM through mining, and can spend the tokens on betters tools and weapons. Landowners can also airdrop their own custom NFTs to players.
Once you own quite some TLM, you can stake this on a planet and vote in planetary decisions through their decentralized autonomous organization, or DAO. Players and planets all battle for TLM, resulting in competition and collaboration on different fronts.
Ultimately Alien Worlds needs to become a 3D game where avatars roam planets using tools to mine Trilium. Through terraforming, players should even be able to create events and parties on their own lands. There’s also a PVP element to the game, titled the Thunderdome.
Read our Alien Worlds game guide here.