Open-source NFT gaming protocol Aavegotchi is back with even more important updates and changes after revealing plans to go 3D.
Alchemica rerolls, kinship burning, hackathon events, marketplace offers, various developments for 3D Gotchis and Gotchiverse, and a notable partnership with The Sandbox (TSB) are among the latest happenings in the Gotchi realm.
According to Pixelcraft, the DAO has voted to fund community bounties called 'Thank Aavegotchi' and launched 'The Voltron Hackathon' to encourage aspiring creators to build in Gotchiverse. The team will also develop best practices and coding standards for Aavegotchi tools and games to ensure better interoperability.
As requested by DAO, Alchemica re-rolls have already commenced on Gotchiverse REALM parcels, with future re-rolls occurring every 3 months. Kinship burning for channeling will happen in July after final testing, with further details on Gotchichain to be announced soon.
Players will also find a new feature called Marketplace Offers being released in the Bazaar. This feature currently supports ERC721 purchases, and users can place a Buy Order on any Gotchis, Portals, and REALM Parcels.
What's more, the team has made significant progress in 3D development, with sneak peeks at some of the 3D Gotchis being unveiled. Basic rigging and animations are in place for these Gotchis. The devs are also making great strides in the 3D gameplay for Gotchiverse and Gotchi Guardian, a new mobile game that features Aavegotchi NFTs. Aarena will be the first to go 3D, with an open playtest to begin soon.
On top of that, Aavegotchi has partnered with major blockchain gaming firms – The Sandbox and Monaverse – to further expand its ecosystem. In June, the community got its first look at 3D Gotchis on Monaverse. In addition, The Gotchi French Army announced an exciting collab with The Sandbox to launch 1:1 native avatars with their wearables replicated in TSB. But that's not all. Pixelcraft will also drop another alpha announcement on July 8th, at Aavegotchi's 3rd birthday party on Discord. To learn more, check out the official post.