Virtual-World blockchain games create expansive, interactive digital universes where players can explore, build, and interact. Blockchain technology ensures the authenticity and ownership of virtual assets and experiences, allowing players to truly own and trade their virtual world contributions.
Watchlist Create your personal watchlists and add your favorite games,or games you want to keep an eye on. | # | Name | Genre | Blockchain | Device | Status | NFT | F2P | P2E | P2E-Score | P2E-Score 7d |
1 | TodayAI + Web3 NFT Game | Develop. | Yes | Yes | NFT | 266+1,280.49% | |||||
2 | ZTXVirtual World Game | Develop. | Yes | NFT | NFT | 134-11.19% | |||||
3 | Matrix WorldProgrammable 3D Multichain Metaverse (ETH, FLOW) | Develop. | Yes | Yes | NFT | 50— | |||||
4 | Satoshi LegionsBattle Royale Action Game | Develop. | Yes | NFT | NFT | 37-2.61% | |||||
5 | Black Snow: Battle For EathBattle for Earth- immersive, free-to-play AR mobil | Develop. | Yes | Yes | NFT | 7-45.40% | |||||
6 | WebaverseMultiplatform Internet MMO built with NFTs | Alpha | Yes | Yes | NFT | 0— |