Beta stages in blockchain gaming represent a more polished version of the game, with most features implemented but still undergoing testing and refinement. During the beta phase, a wider audience is typically invited to play, providing crucial feedback on gameplay, balance, and technical performance. Beta testing is a critical step in ensuring that the game is ready for a successful and smooth launch, offering a near-complete experience to its participants.
Watchlist Create your personal watchlists and add your favorite games,or games you want to keep an eye on. | # | Name | Genre | Blockchain | Device | Status | NFT | F2P | P2E | P2E-Score | P2E-Score 7d |
1 | LunaOneGame earn shop study work socialize & entertain! | Beta | Yes | NFT | Crypto | 0— | |||||
2 | Happy AstronautsP&E astroverse arena / battle royale! | Beta | Yes | NFT | Crypto | 0— | |||||
3 | MATRIX LTDThe world plays with new colors with Matrix | Beta | Yes | Yes | NFT | 0— |